Time of Cholera General Breast Reduction Surgery and Breastfeeding: What You Need to Know

Breast Reduction Surgery and Breastfeeding: What You Need to Know

Breast reduction surgery can be life-changing, providing relief and confidence to women with overly large breasts. However, for those considering this procedure and anticipating motherhood, concerns often arise about its potential impact on breastfeeding. Dr Lawrence Gray offers valuable insights into the connection between breast reduction surgery and breastfeeding.

Surgery Technique and Breastfeeding:

The impact of breast reduction surgery on breastfeeding depends largely on the surgical techniques employed. Some techniques preserve more of the original nervous and ductal connections, increasing the likelihood of maintaining breastfeeding function. Dr Lawrence Gray Conversely, when extensive tissue removal and nipple reattachment are involved, the potential impact on breastfeeding may be more significant.

The Extent of Breast Tissue Removal:

The volume of breast tissue removed during surgery is another factor that can influence breastfeeding after reduction surgery. Surgical decisions regarding the extent of tissue removal should be made with careful consideration of the individual’s breastfeeding goals.

The Body’s Healing Capability:

The body’s ability to heal and regenerate post-surgery plays a role in determining the impact on breastfeeding. In some cases, nerves and milk ducts have reconnected after surgery, restoring some or all breastfeeding capabilities, highlighting the body’s potential for healing and adaptation.

Pre-Surgery Consultation: Discussing Breastfeeding Goals:

When contemplating breast reduction surgery, it’s essential to discuss your breastfeeding aspirations with your surgeon. If preserving the opportunity to breastfeed is a priority, your surgeon can provide insights into the techniques that are likely to have the least impact.

Post-Surgery: Options and Support for Breastfeeding:

Even if breast reduction surgery affects milk production, many women can still breastfeed to some extent. Professional lactation support from a certified lactation consultant or peer counselor can be invaluable in managing the unique challenges of breastfeeding post-reduction surgery. Additionally, supplementing with formula or donated human milk may be necessary, depending on the amount of milk produced.


Dr Lawrence Gray emphasizes that breast reduction surgery can indeed impact breastfeeding, but the extent of this impact varies depending on various factors, including surgical techniques and individual healing processes. Prior to surgery, open communication with your surgeon about your breastfeeding goals is essential. With the right support and guidance, many women who have undergone breast reduction surgery can still experience the joys and benefits of breastfeeding, even if it requires some adaptations and additional assistance.

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